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My Dissertation

Full Text, in German

Objektorientierter Entwurf verteilter eingebetteter Echtzeitsysteme auf Basis höherer Petri-Netze, May 1999, Verlag ISLE, ISBN 3-932633-35-0

Abstract, in English

The design and implementation of embedded and distributed real-time systems differs hardly from traditional software design known from office applications. Despite all known differences we found object-oriented paradigm suitable for embedded systems as well. But using the object-oriented design techniques for embedded systems means to deal with two contradictory intentions. On one side the object-orientation tries to assist the designer handling huge software systems by providing techniques like abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism. On the other side designing embedded applications stands for accessing hardware directly and using provided computing resources most effectively. This often conflicts with the other side because the traditional usage of object-orientation doesn't provide the demanded code efficiency for distributed and embedded applications. For this reason why designed a new object-oriented design method directly for the design of distributed embedded real-time systems. The method is called Concurrent Object Nets. The method provides a graphical semantics for classes and objects and their interaction. An corresponding Petri net semantic of the objects supplies the designer with formal description. A hardware abstraction framework was integrated to realize optimized hardware access in combination with portability and code efficiency.

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